Speaking with Nature – Lavvu Edition

2- 7 January 2023

a co-creation with ‘Shamanic Animal Kingdom’


Join us on this ‘once-in-a-lifetime experience’ to Tromsø, North-Norway. Into the land of the Sami, Europe’s official last Indigenous tribe. Home of the Magical Northern Lights. To learn to speak the forgotten language of Nature, common to your ancestors & Indigenous tribes while living in a lavvu emerged in Nature.




This transformative trip will be guided 24/7 by Marieke Akgul, Interspecies Communicator & befriended Wisdom Keepers & Shamans.

Together they will share teachings, healings, Sami culture, provide guidance and Yoik to give you an unforgettable holistic Northern Experience. Reconnecting you with Nature, the Indigenous way.


Forgotten language of Creation 1

Forgotten language of Creation

Monday 2 January 2023

Today we will introduce you to the basics of ‘Animal / Nature Communication’. It’s something we all have the ability too, we simply just need to be remembered how to do it. Marieke will personally teach you how to speak with them telepathically and help you to hear the animals & nature again, as they never stopped speaking to us. We just forgot how to listen.

We will monitor everyone carefully and will support those who need it this entire period with personal healings and guidance to go through blockages.

Each day a shamanic journey will be given. And also we will teach you ways to protect and ground yourself.

Forgotten Language of Creation 2

Forgotten Language of Creation

Tuesday 3 January 2023

Today will be a follow up from yesterday’s level as we will all get more advanced in the skills of Animal Communication, Telepathy and Automatic Writing. And ofcourse we will go into nature together on ski’s in between teachings to practice, explore and connect with Nature on a deeper level.

And tonight we will recieve a guest speaker to learn more about the Sami, Sapmi and their way of living as Europe’s last official Indigenous Tribe.

Experience Oneness 3

Experience Oneness

Wednesday 4 January 2023

Tromso is known for its Arctic wildlife, in co-exsistance with the indigenous Sami and modern society. An area where Moose and Reindeer can just wonder by the roads. Where Sea Eagles, Golden Eagles and ravens roam freely and in the many Fjords various whales and orcas can be seen at the coastline. Today we will meet, feed & speak with the Reindeer at the ‘Tromso Lapland’. and learn more about the Sami Culture. Learn the importance of the reindeer for the Sami and how they live and work together. See the shamanic meaning of their running in a spiral and listen to their special teachings of beeing one.

Forgotten language of Creation 4

Forgotten language of Creation

Thursday 5 January 2023

The teachings of today will be about contradicting animals: Wild versus Domestic Animals, Flock versus Individual animals and Prey versus Predators. How communicating with them is different, fitting to their behavior and environment. And how do they fit in our lives, what purpose do they have. What does it mean when they show themselves very obviously. What message do they have for us as our Guides and Teachers. But most of all, how can we work with them, incorporating the lessons shown, to deepen our lives and strengthen our skills.

Ofcourse we will go on a hike from our doorstep into wild nature. Bringing in practise what we learned, exploring animal tracks, the crisp air and abundance of life.

Messages from other Realms 5

Messages from other Realms

Friday 6 January 2023

Stepping on board of the Brim Explorer to meet the orca’s & whales. Get a unique perspective on the majestic humpback and killer whales as they feed in the herring-rich fjords of the Arctic, the silent electric ship allows us to get close without disturbing them, respecting the hunt of these amazing mamals.

Connect with them energetically, Speak with them and learn from them what they know of the Universe, other realms and dimensions. You will be amazed by their stories and world view.

Speaking with Nature 6

Speaking with Nature

Saturday 7 January 2023

In the morning the teachings will help you to understand Nature on a much deeper level. We will focus on hearing the voices of plants, trees, nature spirits etc. Inviting you to receive images send by them and to feel the richdom in feelings they possess.

Be amazed by the unique insights nature in all her aspects give you and feel truly part of Nature again amongst all living beings. We will practice to become part of the grid, all Nature is connected to and interact with them like you’ve learned to do with the animals. Re-learn the connection through Telepathy and Heart, the way our ancestors did and hear the unique ‘song’ of Nature.


impression of where we will stay

good to know

There is limited space available for maximum 10 people.

Are not included as many people come from different places all over the world. To give an indication. Amsterdam or Düsseldorf has one way tickets starting from € 130,-.

Arrival & Departure Airport: Tromso Airport

We advise to book a flexible ticket due to the uncertainty of COVID-19 and the valid cancellations policy. (see below)

From the airport, there goes a direct busline, bus 420 Kvaloya, to us. It will take approx 1 hour and 20 minutes. We will pick you up from the bus stop and bring you to our camp approx 0,6 km. walking up the mountain.

As our camp is located approx 0,6 km up on a mountain without roads, it is wise to pack light and use a backpack. Dragging up a 23 kilo suitcase in deep snow is absolutely not advisable 🙂

We can always advise on whatever you want to bring with you, to keep your luggage as light and usable as possible.

Its our intention to keep this experience as authentic as possible according to the ways of the ancestors connected to the land. This means that we will keep our impact on nature as small as possible and experience as much as possible of the Sami Nomadic lifestyle as they would duringing a semi-permanent camp.

This means we will live in community in Lavvu’s (Sami tipi tent), cook together & eat in Lavvu’s, recieve the teachings there and out in nature. Even sleep together as family in the Lavvu. Depending on groupsize and structure (families, couples, singles, friends etc) the definite lay out will be made. but privacy is something that will not be found in the lavvu but outside in Nature, just like in the old days.

You will sleep in a sleepingbag (provided) on reindeerskins (provided) with max 5 others per Lavvu.

Tucked away in Nature up a mountain in Kvaløya, Tromsø.

All meals and beverages during the meals are included. Any other are for your own cost.

If you have allergies, if you are vegan, vegetarian or have food intollarances, please let us know while booking.

All planned excursions as mentioned in the trip descriptions are included. Just as transport to and from these excursions.

As each group is different, and we get to know you a little bit towards and during the actual trip, we adjust organically our teachings to your needs and wishes as much as possible. A family with children might have a different reason to participate and hope to experience then an individual. So eventhough its a group experience there is much space for personal & individual growth and reflection.

Total costs for this transforming trip: € 2.000,-  incl all excursions, accommodations, local transportations, meals, teachings, private healings & 24-hour guidance and all under the Northern Lights.


For this you get the Ultimate Once-in-a-lifetime experience  which will change your life for sure and send you home with a whole new world view and an amazing skillset which will benefit you for the rest of your life.


Afterwards you are able to speak with your own animals and those of friends and family and even gives you the basics to make it your every day job. You will be able to reconnect with Nature on a whole different level and have not only a huge paradigm shift but mainly a heart shift.

If you like you can pay in 4 terms in your own pace as long as the last payment has been done before 15 december 2022.

Children older than 10 years old are more than welcome to participate together with a parent. In general the teachings will be given in English. Basic English is therefore ideal but partly additional translations in Dutch, Sami, Norwegian, Swedish or Spanish can be provided.

The price for children is € 1800,- (17 years and older will be charged the adult price)

In general the spoken language will be English as this is an International Event. The level of English is very basic and there is always room for extra explanation in for instance Dutch, Norwegian, German or Sami. If the entire group is Dutch, Marieke will teach her part in Dutch.

Of course we will organize this trip according to the Covid-19 rules in Sapmi valid at that time. Additional we will inform you about this in a later stage.

If regulations dont allow this trip to go through as accomodations or airports are closed for instance, all participants will recieve their payments back and the trip will be resceduled to a a later time.

The organisation has the right to cancel the trip if less then 6 people have signed up by 1 December 2022

If a participant wants to cancel within 2 weeks after registering, 100% refund will be given. After that, no refunds will be given, unless the trip will be cancelled before 1 December 2022 by the organisation or later due to extreme COVID-19 meassurments ordered by the Norwegian Government.

As soon as the group is big enough (min. 6 participants) to be certain of continuation the organisation will inform all participants about this.

If regulations regarding COVID-19 dont allow this trip to go through as accomodations or airports are closed for instance, all participants will recieve their payments back and the trip will be resceduled to a a later time.

Join us on this adventure of a lifetime

Only 10 places available!


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