Midnight Sun Retreats

14 - 21 June 2024  - FULL
19 - 26 July 2024 - FULL

Every year for a short period of time it seems time doesnt exist. Night becomes day and day seamlessly goes over in night. A period in time when the sun never sets below the horizon, letting nature bathe endlesly in direct sunlight for about 6 weeks straight. This special period is called the Midnight Sun. Its an ideal time to be outside emerged in Nature, connecting with Nature on a physical, emotional and spiritual level and therefore coming home in the land, coming home in yourself. Bringing to the light what needs to be healed, what needs to be released. And which aspects of you can step out of the shade, into the light.

Nature as co-creators

Nature here is very much alive and supportive. In ways we have lost in most urban areas worldwide. Its this receptiveness that allows us to shift more into our Natural State of Beeing, intergrating back in the cycle of life.

Nature in all its shapes and forms invites you in their midst. They will send messengers from the seen and unseen worlds to you. Special encounters to encourage you to connect more with them and to claim your natural space in Nature’s Cycle more and more.

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Gentle Northern Lights

Many people think the Northern Lights can only be experienced in the winter. Yes its true that in general you see them in winter but its only because of the continous sunlight why you dont see them in summer. But are they there? absolutely. 

Their particles come down with sunlight, therefore its a bit difused and therefore in energy a little more gentle. But you can absolutely feel them, their vibration and perhaps on a bit darker night, you can still see a hue of fluorescent green. And ofcourse they co-create this retreat too.

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Whales are calling

The whales will have a prominent place in this retreat as they are calling us to connect with them more and more. We will take a special 2 day trip during the retreat in order to experience a whale watching boat trip to a place where they can be seen all year around.  Form a special bond with humpbacks, finn whales, orca’s, dolphins and whomever wants to show itself to us.

And its even possible to learn during this retreat how to communicate with them and ask them those questions you always wanted to know.

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Animal & Nature Communication

To actually speak on multisensory levels with Nature in all her aspects is a skill we have forgotten but what was common to our ancestors as its the language of Creation. The language of all that is, in the Universe. During this retreat Marieke, with her decades long experience in Interspecies Communication, will help you reconnect with this skill on the level you are comfortable with. Mainly during 1-on-1 sessions in Nature.

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Beeing High sensitive

As many of us are high sensitive, we experience sometimes difficulties how to adapt and thrive in our modern society. We no longer have rolemodels in our close circle of family and friends who can guide us how to navigate our high sensitivity. How to be more present in our bodies and accept our incarnation. Realising what we came here to do. Through shamanic journeys, visualisations, conversations with nature, private coaching and other practical exercises you will given your own ‘tool book’ How to navigate this world better without beeing overwhelmed.

Ideal for not only adults but also for kids in all stages.

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Guided by Marieke Anna

The human guidance is in the hands of Marieke Anna, Interspecies Communicator, Shamanic Practitioner & Retreat Facilitator. And as mentioned before, fully co-designed by the Northern Lights, Arctic Nature and the whales. As they all asked Marieke to set up these retreats to let people experience first hand the result if you actively and consiously work together with the Northern Lights and all aspects of Nature. Showing by example the beauty that unfolds in your life once you reclaim your place in the cycle and how to intertwine that in our modern society.

Marieke connects with them constantly – with the Northern Lights, the Whales and Nature – during the retreat, to recieve their input about what is needed for this specific group to benefit the most. And how to interpret the messages and messengers send your way.

With more than 12 years of professional experience as an animal & nature communicator and over 10 years experience of helping people remember this skill, Marieke is more than qualified to help you recconnect and remember this skill hidden in your DNA.


The group size will be between 3 and 8 people in general.

Are not included as many people come from different places all over the world. To give an indication. Amsterdam or Düsseldorf has one way tickets starting from € 130,-.

Arrival & Departure Airport: Tromso Airport, Bardufoss Airport or Salangen Airport.

Traveling here goes much slower and relaxed than in most countries.

There are several public transportation options. Like busses and ferries but it will only be available a few times a day. And there is no train or metro in this part of the World.

The name of the busstop here is: Verket (right in front of the house) and the little town is called: Hamn.

Check the local travel planner

Or the local public information center

Renting a car at one of the airports is also a possibilty and quite the scenic route.

The hotel next door also has a pickup service from Finnsnes that you also can book.

In the last years we had a few occasions where the luggage of guests didn't arrive on time.

There is a rule not many people are aware of, that your luggage will not always be send automatically through if you transfer through Oslo.

Please check if the following rule applies to you and if so, calculate more time between arriving on Oslo and departure to here. 

"If you arrive in Norway with an airline other than SAS, Norwegian, Widerøe or Emirates and are going to fly further with a domestic flight, you must go down to the arrival hall, collect and deliver any luggage, and go through the security check in the departure hall.This also applies to passengers who only travel with hand luggage."

For full text click here. 

There are a few possibilities where you can stay. We will have 1 rustic cabin here on the coast in Hamn where we will come together for lunch, dinner and teachings. Here there is also space for 6 people max. (3 bedrooms). Additionally we have 3 tipis/lavvus on the private coast line but you can also book any hotel or airbnb yourself in the area of Hamn and join us during the retreat activities.

All meals and beverages during the meals are included. Any other are for your own cost.

Lunch and dinner will be prepared by us all together. Breakfast supplies will be provided based on individual preferences.

If the weather allows us, we will prepare many meals outside over a rustic fire.

If you have allergies, if you are vegan, vegetarian or have food intollarances, please let us know during booking.

To benefit the most of this retreat, alcohol and plant medicine are not allowed.

All planned excursions as mentioned in the trip descriptions are included. Its all in walking distance.

The cabin is a traditional Norwegian cabin, which means it has no running water or plumming. Beeing here will give you a new perspective on how much water you use and you will become full aware.

Ofcourse there is water in jerrycans for drinking, doing the dishes, washing yourself by the sink and brushing your teeth.

All water comes straight of the mountain and is of high quality.

There is an indoor toilet in the cabin that works with burning the urine & feces into ashes. (cinderella toilet)

If you stay in the tents there is a regular toilet and washing facilities in the adjacent building.

Showers can be used on those moments you visit the sauna (in the hotel) or can be booked seperately through the hotel. (approx € 15,-)

As each group is different, and we get to know you a little bit towards and during the actual retreat, we adjust organically our teachings to your needs and wishes as much as possible.

A family with children might have a different reason to participate and hope to experience then an individual.

So eventhough its a group experience there is much space for personal & individual growth and reflection.

Total costs for this Midnights Sun Retreat:

€ 1.640,-  per person, staying alone in a double bedroom

€ 1.400,- per person, staying with 2 people in a double bedroom.

€ 1.390,- per person, staying alone in the open & double bedroom/living room upstairs.

€ 1.180,- per person staying with 2 people in the open & double bedroom/living room upstairs.

€ 970,- per person if you stay in your own accomodation.

€ 1.360,- per person staying alone in a tipi / lavvu.

€ 1,180,- per person staying with 2-4 persons in a tipi/lavvu.

This includes all activities, accommodations, meals, teachings, private healings & 24-hour guidance in co-creation with the Northern Lights, the Whales and Arctic Nature.

If you like you can pay in 4 terms in your own pace as long as the last payment has been done before you arrive.

Just send an e-mail asking for an invoice instead of booking through the website. info@natureconomy.com

Children older than 10 years old are more than welcome to participate together with a parent.

If there are already other participants for that specific retreat their approval will be asked too.

In general the teachings will be given in English or Dutch. Basic English is therefore ideal.

New retreat members will be informed if a child is amongst the participants.

In general the spoken language will be English. If the entire group is Dutch, Marieke will teach in Dutch.

Both Marieke as the Northern Lights are not trained as medical personel in which context what so ever. Please see a physician if you have any complaints. And see this retreat as an additional experience.

If there are minimal 3 participants a retreat will go through as offered.

If 3 weeks before the start only 1 or 2 participants signed up alternatives will be offered like resceduling, change of accomodation etc.

As soon as it is certain a retreat will go through the participants will be informed about it so they can finalize other arrangements like flights.

If a participant wants to cancel withint 2 weeks after registering, 100% refund will be given. After that no refunds will be given unless the retreat will be cancelled by the organisation due to less than 3 participants.

If regulations or unforeseen circumstances don't allow this retreat to go through, all participants will recieve their payments back and the retreat will be resceduled.


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